Medicine Pills

Amgen The Safety Net Foundation Program

The Safety Net Foundation Program will provide certain Amgen treatments at no cost to you. This is a temporary assistance program that looks at your financial and medical needs. You will not need to pay any co-pays or enrollment fees to get help from this program. Once enrolled, you will receive a supply of the medication in the amount needed for your treatment or as determined by the program. In addition, the program will work with you and/or your physician to determine where your medication will be shipped.

How do I apply?

To apply, please print and fill out the application form and send it back to the program. You can mail or fax your completed application to the program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I eligible?

You can take part if you have limited income and are a citizen or resident of the United States, You cannot have insurance that can cover the cost of the treatments offered through this program.

Can I get help from this program if I have Medicare?

In most cases, if you have Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage, you cannot get help from this program. However, SAFETY NET® Foundation may accept applications for people who have trouble paying for their medications even with Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage, so it is important to apply.

What will I need?
Who should I contact?

Amgen SAFETY NET® Foundation
P.O. Box 18769
Louisville, KY 40261
Toll-Free: (888) SN-AMGEN or (888) 762-6436
Fax: (866) 549-7239

Did You Know?
BenefitsCheckUp can help you find programs that can save you thousands of dollars on the basic costs of living


This is for fillable forms.